In Memory of Cookie Cat

I had the best kitty in the world. His name was Cookie Cat and he was special. A lovely gray and white tabby, he was gentle and kind and he smelled like cotton candy. He was my quilting companion and he had my heart.

He would follow me downstairs to my sewing room and just stay with me while I sewed and quilted.  Whenever I started quilting, he would appear and try to help.  I would look away for a second and he would be…right..THERE.  LOL

I had this little rolling cart and I finally put his cat bed in there and I would just roll him around the room with me.

In 2017, I designed a quilt in his honor with a big block and his sweet face on it and I called it, Cookie cat. 

I thought it was adorable and versatile, four blocks for a baby quilt and one block for a pillow. 

We have a little black kitty named Oreo too and to not be left out, I made some Halloween pillows in the pattern for him too.

But this sweet boy was my little shadow.  At the beginning of 2020, he was diagnosed with cancer.  I was glad to be home due to Covid to take care of him.   He was spoiled rotten and got anything he wanted.

He started to just come and want to sleep in the bay window in front of my sewing machine.  He could see the birds and squirrels.  He would still follow me downstairs and just be with me while I quilted and sewed.

He passed away just after Thanksgiving and it hit me hard.  I still miss him.  I decided that I would do something to honor his devotion to me and celebrate that pure love he gave to me.

I have updated my Cookie Cat pattern with his picture and I have reduced the price in my shop.  You can find it HERE!

This year, 2021, I am going to give the proceeds from this pattern to my local humane society.  A tiny way to give back to the place where I rescued Cookie cat to begin with and a way to honor and grieve him in a positive way.

I appreciate your support of my charity this year and wish you too will experience the joy and unconditional love of a pet.

Warm Wishes, 


New Patterns Available

Winter is a good time to stay inside and catch up on some things.  I have had these patterns on my to do list for a while.  They were all published in magazines originally, but now they are updated, have multiple sizes, and are available for download in my  Etsy Shop.

Cookie Cat

This one is a favorite since I designed it based upon my sweet Cookie Cat.

It is a large 18″ block so it is easy to piece and goes together quickly.

It comes in three sizes, pillow, baby quilt and twin size.  I stitched up a set of Halloween pillows and they turned out great.

Beach Glass

This quilt started out strictly as a scrap quilt.  I fell in love with the greens and blues and they reminded me of the little bits of beach glass you find on Great Lakes beaches here in Michigan.

The variety of grey low volume prints from my stash were perfect to create the neutral background.

This is also a large 18″ block.  It comes in three sizes, Throw, Twin and Queen.


This was my most recently published quilt.  I really wanted to try some curved piecing and these large traditional drunkard’s path blocks seemed perfect.

The color blocking adds a modern twist and I just had to play with free motion feathers in the negative space.  Cookie cat is not a good helper when I am quilting, how does he know when I am trying to quilt?  LOL

These are 10″ finished blocks.  Once again, available in three sizes, Baby, Throw and Twin.

Cirque MINI

I have been really enjoying making mini versions of some of my most popular quilts.  Not everyone needs another large quilt and this size makes a wonderful wall hanging that is a work of modern art.

These are 5″ finished blocks and it comes in only one size, Mini which is about 24″ x 30″


I hope you found a new pattern you liked and would like to try.

They are all available as PDF digital files ready for immediate download.

You can find them and my other fresh, fun quilty designs in my  Etsy Shop.